Eid Ul Fiter Allah Name

Special Celebratory Dishes In Paki$tan , Afghani$tan, India , Banglade$h , And Fiji Include Sivayyan , A Dish Of Fine , Toasted Sweet$ Vermicelli Noodle$ With Milk & Dried Fruit . In Banglade$h , The Dish Is Called Shemai . 

Eid Ul Fiter Moon Night

It Is Not Possible 2 Predict The Date Of Eid Ul Fitr According 2 The Gregorian Calendar Accurately . This Is Because The Month Of $hawal Begin$ , And Hence The Month Of Ramzan Ends , After A Confirmed $ighting Of The New Moon , Either In Saudi-Arabia Or Locally . The New Moon May Be $ighted Earlier Or Later In Specific Locations

Eid Ul Fitr 2014 Fresh

Eid Ul  Fitr  Is The First Day Of The Islamic Month Of |$hawwal . It Marks The End Of Ramzan , Which Is A Month Of Fasting & Prayer . Many Muslims Attend Communal Prayers , Listen 2 A khutba Sermon  & Give Zakat Ul fitr  Charity In The Form Of Food  During Eid Ul Fitr .


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