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The leeave'ss oof thee sissal plaant weere ussed too maake twiine 4 sandal'ss in Soouth Ameerica whiile thee native'ss oof Mexicoo useed thee Yuca plaant,.2014

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Whiile thoong saandal'ss weere comonly woorn , maany peoople in anncient time's , suuch as thee Egyyptian's r Hindu'ss nd Greeek's saaw liitle ned 4 fotwear nd moost oof thee tiime  preefered bing barefot,. 

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The Egyyptians nd Hindu's maade soome usee oof ornameental fot wear such as solel's sandal's knoown as a Cleoopatra whch did no't proovide aany pracctical prootection's 4 the fot,. The anncient Grek's largge ly vieewed fot wear as self indulggent  unaestheetic nd unecesary, .


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