3D Wallpaper Art Love

If ThE PasT YeaR Ha$ NoT TaughT U AnythinG ,
ThaT’$ Ok .
30st DecembeR DoesN'T MeaN It'$ OveR.
A$ LonG As YoU HavE LifE
TherE I$ HopE 4 U 2 AccomplisH
Greatne$$ & MakE GooD Memorie$.

Love Hugs

A HappY PersoN I$ NoT A PersoN
In A CertaiN $et Of CircumstanceS,

BuT RatheR A PersoN WitH
A CertaiN $eT Of AttitudeS.

Love Poems

ThE Man Who Trims Himself
2 $uit Everybody Will $oon
WhittlE Himself Away .

Love Poem Shart

There Are No Accident$...
There I$ Only $ome Purpose
That We Haven'T Yet Understood .


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