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Love is a variety of different feelings, states & attitudes, ranging 4rom interpersonal emotional I love my mother very happy, I love that meal. It can mean a strong emotional appeal and personal attachment. It can also represent human kindness, compassion, loyalty and selfless affection and kindness caring good virtues. It can also be described towards other people, a person's self or animal compassionate and loving action. 

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The ancient Greeks identified the four forms of love: in Greece, storage, friendship hemophilia, sexual and romantic or sexual desire and self-emptying love of divine love or relatives or are familiar with. The authors further distinguished modern varieties of romantic love. Non-Western traditions also have a symbiotic relationship distinguished variants or these countries. Purpose and meaning of a combination of complex emotions involved in this diversity makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, relative to other emotional states. 

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Like all forms of human relationships as a key driver, but because of the psychological significance of its center, is in the artistic creation of the most common themes. 

Love can be understood as a function to keep human beings to oppose intimidation, and to promote the continuation of the species


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