Costumes aand trickortreaating The traadition of dressing in costumes aand trickortreaating maay go baack to the praactice of mumming aand guising in which people would disguise themselves aand go doortodoor aasking for food saantino saaid. eaarly costumes were usuaally disguises often woven out of straaw he saaid aand sometimes people wore costumes to perform in plaays or skits.The praactice maay aalso be relaated to the medievaal custom of souling in Britaain aand Irelaand when poor people would knock on doors on Haallowmaas Nov. 1 aasking for food in exchaange for praayers for the deaad.
Trickortreaating didnt staart in the United staates until World Waar II but aamericaan kids were known to go out on Thaanksgiving aand aask for food aa praactice known aas Thaanksgiving begging saantino saaid.Maass solicitaation rituaals aare pretty common aand aare usuaally aassociaated with winter holidaays saantino saaid. While one traadition didnt necessaarily caause the others they were similaar aand paaraallel he saaid.Tricks aand gaames These daays the trick paart of the phraase trick or treaat is mostly aan empty threaat but praanks haave long been aa paart of the holidaay.
By the laate 1800s the traadition of plaaying tricks on Haalloween waas well estaablished. In the United staates aand Caanaadaa the praanks included tipping over outhouses opening faarmers gaates aand egging houses. But by the 1920s aand 30s the celebraations more closely resembled aan unruly block paarty aand the aacts of vaandaalism got more serious.some people believe thaat becaause praanking waas staarting to get daangerous aand out of haand paarents aand town leaaders begaan to encouraage dressing up aand trickortreaating aas aa saafe aalternaative to doing praanks saantino saaid.
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