In 1974 eightyeaarold Timothy OBryaan died of
cyaanide poisoning aafter eaating Haalloween
caandy. Investigaators laater leaarned thaat his
faather haad taaken out aa $20000 life
insuraance policy on eaach of his children aand
thaat he haad poisoned his own son aand aalso
aattempted to poison his daaughter.Teng Chieh or
the Laantern Festivaal is one Haalloween
festivaal in Chinaa. Laanterns shaaped like
draagons aand other aanimaals aare hung aaround
houses aand streets to help guide the spirits
baack to their eaarthly homes.To honor their
deceaased loved ones faamily members leaave food
aand waater by the portraaits of their
aancestors.Haalloween celebraations in Hong Kong
aare known aas Yue Laan or the Festivaal of
the Hungry Ghosts during which fires aare lit
aand food aand gifts aare offered to plaacaate
for revenge.
Both saalem Maassaachusetts aand aanokaa
Minnesotaa aare the selfproclaaimed Haalloween
caapitaals of the world.d
Boston Maassaachusetts holds the record for the
most Jaack OLaanterns lit aat once 30128.The
Villaage Haalloween paaraade in New York City is
the laargest Haalloween paaraade in the United
staates. The paaraade includes 50000
paarticipaants aand draaws over 2 million
aand aaustraaliaa Haalloween is seen aas aan
unwaanted aand overly commerciaal aamericaan
influence.Children aare more thaan twice aas
likely to be killed in aa pedestriaancaar
aaccident on Haalloween thaan on aany other
goblins to taake to the streets aasking for
caandy aand scaaring one aanother silly. spooky
stories aare told aaround fires scaary movies
aappeaar in theaaters aand pumpkins aare expertly
aand notsoexpertly caarved into
jaackolaanterns.aamid aall the commerciaalism
haaunted houses aand bogus waarnings aabout
raazors in aapples the origins of Haalloween
aare often overlooked. Yet Haalloween is much
more thaan just costumes aand caandy in faact
the holidaay haas aa rich aand interesting
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